Basketball Court Netting: Durable and Customizable Solutions for Shoot 360 Facilities
Over the last couple decades has supplied hundreds of custom nets and netting productions for basketball courts, gymnasiums, basketball arenas, training facilities, as well as scholastic and municipal basketball locations. The nylon netting productions that we supply are fabricated per-order, allowing our basketball netting and gymnasium divider net customers to source the particular sizing that they need for their specific court location. The wide selection of netting options that we offer all function very well for many types of basketball needs – including ball containment, court divider and separation requirements, ceiling protection, lighting and sprinkler barrier, as well as netting protective requirements for scoreboards, windows, and general multipurpose gymnasium situations.
Shoot 360 is a commercial basketball training company that has been a longtime client of Gourock’s for the containment netting and divider netting needs at their arena and facility locations. Per their company bio “Passionate about the game of basketball we have focused on raising the bar for basketball training and competition on a global level. Our passion for the game has fueled our progress in developing the most technologically advanced and immersive basketball training and competition experience in the world. Powerful training tools and performance metrics used to measure improvement are instantly at our member’s fingertips and real-time virtual training and competition is no longer a concept it is a reality.”
For professional basketball installations like the Shoot 360 locations, we have quite a few useful netting selections that are popular for different netting applications. Specifically for the case of these basketball court training installations, the custom court diver nets and basketball containment nets that we supply are fabricated from the #36 X 1-3/4″ DuPont® Twisted-Knotted Nylon Netting, in a square mesh pattern, with a 1-1/2″ Webbing and Grommeted perimeter border sewn-in. Each location requires a different set of netting lengths and quantities – as well as some unique features such as rope-bordered entrance slits that are located as particular intervals.
The #36 X 1-3/4″ twisted-knotted nylon netting that we have available is a fantastic selection for many different types of multi-sport applications at gyms, arenas, sport court, and athletic facilities. It is twine selection that has a very high tensile rating, and the nylon netting material is extremely resilient to abrasion and friction – resulting in a combination of features that function very dependably in commercial sports installations, high-traffic athletic locations, as well as collegiate and professional establishments. To provide a bit more context on some of the organizational sports uses for the custom netting that we supply our customers, here are a series of examples of the basketball barrier nets and containment netting productions that we have shipped out to a series of Shoot 360 locations across America. can facilitate a wide variety of accommodations for your custom netting needs, so always feel free to get in touch with us and we can continue to assist!
Many thanks again to everyone at Shoot 360! We value and appreciate your continued business over the years very much, and it is our pleasure to be your trusted and reliable basketball netting supplier!

– Josh Grzyb @ Netting
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