Custom-Sized Golf Range Barrier Netting: Protecting Players and Property
Custom golf driving range nets and golf barrier netting productions are a speciality, and we provide our golf netting clients with the highest quality range nets that are produced to-order according to the dimensions needed. Over the last couple couple decades + we have shipped out golf range nets built to all sizes, ranging from smaller residential projects all the way to massive industrial golf range locations – and of course jobs of every size in-between. conveniently offers all customers direct access and online ordering of 100% Made in USA golf barrier nets right though our Online Custom Netting Calculator, and with fast netting fabrication turnaround you can get the best golf ball protection nets for your installation and project needs.
Gourock has golf range nets and golf ball protection netting products constructed from the highest quality DuPont® Type 66-728 Tarred Twisted-Knotted Nylon Netting. This high-end netting material is constructed in a 1″ mesh size, and Gourock offers it in twine thicknesses of #18 (191 lb. tensile rating) and #12 (100 lb. tensile rating). These twine selections allow for the best match to be considered for each different golf netting project and location. The #18 X 1″ tarred twisted-knotted golf range netting from Gourock carries a prorated 10 year UV warranty, while the #12 X 1″ tarred twisted-knotted golf barrier netting carries a prorated 5 year UV warranty.
For commercial golf operations such as driving ranges, golf courses, and similar large-scale locations that require golf barrier nets – the #18 X 1″ DuPont® tarred nylon netting is a typical, popular, and recommended netting product selection. Golf barrier netting panels constructed from this netting are extremely durable against UV and weather exposure, are highly resilient to abrasion and wear, have a low wind-shear % rating, and are designed to be in full-time outdoor golf installations for well over 10 years. The golf barrier nets from Gourock are constructed to most any dimensional needs required, which allows our commercial golf clients to source the perfect nets for longterm durability and maximum function for golf ball containment and exclusion.
Over the last month we have facilitated a few driving range netting productions that were constructed for municipal, commercial, and organizational golf locations – and here is an example of a netting job that shipped out last week for one of these golf ranges. As you can see from the production drawing, these golf barrier nets were built to a series of sizes and quantities – specifically built for our industrial client and their needs. There were 18 golf barrier netting panels built to 33′-2″ high X 34′-8″ wide, another 8 golf nets constructed to 34′-8″ high X 34′-8″ wide, and then rounded out with a series of 26 netting panels that were each 9′-10″ high X 34′-8″ wide. All of these range nets were built with 5/16″ Dacron® rope bordered perimeter edges sewn-in, and then the 26 taller nets of the bunch also featured central rope rib-lines running horizontally through the nets to line-up with central wind-line cables that were running from pole-to-pole at the site. And as mentioned previously, this particular commercial golf netting job was fabricated from the #18 X 1″ tarred twisted-knotted nylon netting.
Production timing for all 52 netting panels was about 4 working weeks and the entire job was palletized and shipped directly to our client via LTL truck fright shipment service. Also included in this order and shipment were 1200 galvanized steel 5/16″ carabiner snap-hook clips.
If you would like to receive free netting sample swatches of the 1″ golf barrier netting, or would like to request a quotation on your golf range netting needs, absolutely feel free to get in touch with us at Gourock and we can always assist. Many thanks again to all of our very appreciated golf barrier netting and golf range net customer and clients – it is our pleasure to be your trusted and dependable custom netting supplier!

– Josh Grzyb @ Gourock Custom Netting