Baseball Field Netting for Ball Containment and Property Protection

Thursday, December 28th, 2023
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Over the years we have supplied hundreds of municipal sports locations, scholastic playing fields, and organizational baseball and softball facilities with the protective netting they need. In most cases the best match for product selection is 1-3/4″ mesh size twisted-knotted nylon netting, with 5/16″ polyester rope bordering features. conveniently offers this type of popular safety netting in twine thicknesses ranging from #12 (100 lb. tensile rating) up to #72 (665 lb. tensile rating). Although all of the various twine thicknesses are used, the majority of baseball field backstop nets, spectator protection nets, and ball containment netting supply jobs we facilitate are done in the #36 (350 lb. tensile rating) or #21 (210 lb. tensile rating).

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