Supplying custom-sized nylon nets for baseball and softball backstops is usually a weekly occurrence here at We have provided netting panel fabrications to a huge variety of customers and with a very wide range of dimensions needed for the job. It seems that most backstop installations are constructed with chain-link fencing materials, and those types of structures are really great to hang netting within. The most recommended material to consider for a backstop netting installation is the #36 X 1-3/4″ (381 lb./twine) DuPontĀ® Type 66-728 Twisted-Knotted Nylon Netting. This black-colored mesh can be produced in either a diamond or square mesh pattern, and is 100% Made in the USA. It is also recommended to have the entire perimeter of the nets rope bordered for maximum expectation of strength and durability over the years.
This spring we supplied dozens of custom backstop nets, and one of our fairly recent customers had emailed over some photos of their completed netting job. This backstop net was ordered and produced/shipped as 3 panels measuring 10′ X 20′, and the 2 more panels that were 8′ X 20′. All were constructed from the above noted netting and rope materials. Their goal was to extend the existing chain-link fence with nylon netting, which you can see from the photos below was accomplished with nice success. This installation is at the Hutsonville, IL Park District, and we appreciate their great feedback and photos!