Indoor Netting Installations

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

It’s getting to the time of the year where we at assist a lot of customers with customized nets that are needed for indoor installations.  There are many instances where the locations that are required to to covered by protective or impact netting include some building features that are “in the way”.  For example we see people needing to account for beams, rafters, doors, drop-ceilings, roofline tapers, and other integrated and permanent characteristics of the indoor space.  Luckily, by using Gourock for your netting production and supply you do have some good opportunities to take these sorts of room/building constraints into account when having your protective netting manufactured.

Over the years Gourock has supplied hundreds of customers with sports and multipurpose netting productions that are being hung or installed within indoor spaces.  This is a pretty popular way to go throughout the entire year, but definitely more typical throughout the late autumn and winter seasons.  Whether it is for a private/residential use, a high-traffic commercial installation, or an industrial location, we can generally quote and supply customized netting panels that take into-account your indoor shape features.

Below are four recent examples of custom nylon nets that were constructed with particular shapes to make them easy to hang/install around different obstructions (vents, rafters, etc.) and also entrance doors that lead into the indoor area.

Feel free to get in-touch with if you would like to inquire about your own indoor netting needs and we can help out!

-Josh Grzyb @

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